Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Glamourous Life - Grumbacher Paints and the Flower

Tulips 12"x12" original Acrylic Encaustic on Hardboard. Sold.
Detail of Still Life Blue Vase Green Cup.

Learn to paint -florals.
I am doing this workshop for Grumbacher Acrylic Paints at the
Michael's store at South Edmonton Common (19th AVE Gateway Blvd)780 430 1299 to register.
It is for 4 consecutive Friday night sessions of two hours starting tomorrow -Friday night!
July 23
6:30-8:30 pm


$27 +$50 for supplies

I look forward to seeing you there.

I will be the one hobbling...
I crashed my right knee into the corner and tore a few of the very important ligaments off of it... I have a splishy quad muscle collection that makes the knee unbendable.
Always something hein?

I can walk with the aid of a scarf contraption tied around the foot crossed over to the (k)neck and a pulley(my arm basically) to make the leg move forward. it is two scarves actually, (I got them for free with a purchase over $25 at Cotton Ginny years ago. Well I was there with my sister and she didn't want hers so she said I could have it and the clerk had to check with the manager if that was ok and everything so we told her that my sister would take it and then give it to me.. or not! outside of the store if that would make things less complicated. One is mauve and the other a sherbet orange color.
Now you know.)


  1. A very attractive piece you created, no wonder it was sold! I dont have any idea about encaustic art,materials are not yet here in India..
    Take care of your leg and thumbs up for your positive attitude!

  2. I am enamored with your work and colours - they reflect the aliveness that I see in you :)

  3. is Damar crystals dissolved in the beeswax. This melted...
    here is a great article..

    try it.. it is magic.

  4. Crissandra... likewise for your beautiful work!
    Thank you.

  5. And my eyes go to that exquisite green coffee cup and saucer. Lovely work, Elaine! I do hope your knee mends quickly! Contraption just doesn't sound like much fun!
