A workshop for Painting Landscapes.
In this 2 hour workshop we will cover some techniques in the art of landscape thereby also covering a canvas board with paint! Trees and clouds, leaves and roads wandering off to the middle distance...
I am doing this workshop for Grumbacher Acrylic Paints at the
Michael's store at South Edmonton Common (19th AVE Gateway Blvd)780 430 1299 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 780 430 1299 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
To register please call 780 430 1299
Friday night!
July 30
6:00-8:00 pm
Each session is $27 +$50 for supplies The supplies will last for all four sessions.
I look forward to seeing you there.
August 6 ... the still life
August 13 ... the sea scape!
The last class on florals was great. A good Friday night painting session with the ladies! Nothing like a group of women laughing about the frailties of the body as they create to get the balance and perspective in place. Not just on the painting!
I have graduated from the contraption to a 'knee immobilizer' -a beige leg corset with velcro instead of strings. Sexy!
So I will be the one haplessly kicking over chairs and dragging tables behind her over this week!